For the children preschool is fun! It’s a chance to exercise independence and initiative in selecting activities during the less structured portion of the day while also learning to cooperate and participate as a group member during the group activities.
After being individually greeted by the teacher, your child will have the opportunity to participate in some of the following activities each school day: music and movement, art and creative expression, dramatic play, cooking chemistry, science experiences, group time, show and tell, snack time, outdoor play, clean up time, story time, workbench projects, themed activities, parties, field trips, and more!
As a Co-op Student Your Child Will Gain:
- The realization that learning is fun
- An opportunity to function as an individual and as a member of a group
- Respect and acceptance of the differences and rights of others
- A chance to understand and express feelings
- An effective model of problem solving skills
- Personal pride in achievements
- The appropriate basic cognitive skills needed for success in kindergarten
- An atmosphere where children are encouraged to be curious and creative
- An opportunity to discover and learn through play and social contact with others
- Shared school time with parents and other caring adults
- Independence within a warm, nurturing environment
- Friendship